Saturday, September 24, 2016

Extracting Tooltip text using Selenium WebDriver : Quick Codes

Tooltip displayed for an element is identifed based on the attribute title defined for the element. Knowing that title of the element is the tooltip resolves half of the problem.

Suppose there is an element with id as abcde, the tooltip of the element can be stored in a string using code as below: 

Tooltip example

//example 1: getting tooltip of the elemet 
String strToolTipText = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//input[@id='abcde']").getAttribute("title");

//example 2 : Validating tooltip is displayed correctly for an webElement 
public boolean verifyTooltipText(WebElement webElem, String expToolTiptext)
  String acttooltiptext = webElem.getAttribute("title");
  return true
  return false

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Jenkins setup on localhost server

  • Downloading Jenkins
    • Download Jenkins from Jenkins official site.
    • Jenkins.war will be downloaded.

  • Go to command prompt and navigate to folder in which Jenkins is downloaded
  • Run below command in command prompt
  • java -jar jenkins.war

  • Navigate to localhost:8080 on the machine where jenkins is run. The page asks to provide the admin password and the location from where to copy the password.
  • Provide the Password

  • Select the suggested plugins to install

  • Now we can use Jenkins  

  • Jenkins set up is complete. Click on start using Jenkins for creating jobs.

  • Jenkins dashboard will be displayed

Monday, August 22, 2016

Tips for xpath identifcation for selenium

  • Importance of XPath in Selenium?

Selenium WebDriver identifies element based on locators. XPath is one of the most important locator used for identifying an element or group of elements. XPath uses path expressions to work with element in the application.

  •  Tools for identifying element using Xpath?

An element attribute can be identified by accessing developer toolbar (pressing F12 in browser windows) by in each of the browser.  There are add-ons/extensions which can be added in the browser.  One of the useful extensions for Firefox browser is downloading firebug followed by firepath and identifying elements using Xpath.

firepath for xpath

  • Xpath for the element in case the Id of the element is available
Xpath = “.//*[@id='gb_testing123']”

This will search for any element with id as 'gb_testing123'. In case there are various element in 
the page with id dynamically changing on each page load ,e.g: Id changes from gb_testing123 to 
gb_testing224. In such cases , we can have expression as :

Xpath = “.//*[contains(@id,'gb_testing')]” 

There may be multiple elements of different element type, Suppose there are different element type
and we want to restrict our xpath to a button element, we can modify the xpath in above expression 

Xpath = “.//button[contains(@id,'gb_testing')]”

  • Xpath for the element in case the class of the element is available. 
Xpath = “//*[@class='gb_testing123']”
Xpath = “.//*[contains(@class,'gb_testing')]” 
Xpath = “.//div[contains(@class,'gb_testing')]”

  • Xpath for element in case of attribute value is available 
Xpath = “//*[@activated='1']”
Xpath = “.//*[contains(@activated,'1')]” 
Xpath = “.//div[contains(@activated,'1')]”

  • Starts with Prefix for attribute value


  • Based on text displayed of the element

//*[text()='Software Testing Tutorial']

  •  Identifying element based on multiple attribute value

a. Xpath for element using combination of different attribute in AND condition
.//div[contains(@id,'hdtb')][@class='hdtbna notl']
.//div[contains(@id,'hdtb')  and @class='hdtbna notl']

b. Xpath for element using combination of different attribute in OR condition
.//*[contains(@id,'hdtb') or @class='hdtbna notl']

  • Identifying xpath using different element types matching either A or B.

//a[contains(@id,'hdtb')]|//div[@class='hdtbna notl']

This will return element which are either links containing id as hdtb or 
div objects with class as 'hdtbna notl'

  • Child element of object type

 This will return the immediate div elements in the div with id as viewport
 This will return all the  div elements inside the div with id as viewport
 This will return the fifth div element immediate child inside the div with id as viewport

  • Parent element

 This will return the parent element
 Sibling link element to the div with class as rc.