Sunday, February 21, 2016

Maven POM.xml: Dependencies for Selenium, TestNG and junit

While working with Selenium, TestNG and junit with maven, we need to add in the Project Object Model (POM.xml), dependencies for Selenium, TestNG and junit. In this article, we have explained how to add the required dependency in the dependencies section in pom.xmlfile.

Add the dependency in the dependencies section for the required artifacts. Also please update the version as per latest version of the artifact.

Selenium Dependency:


junit Dependency:


TestNG Dependency:


Saturday, February 20, 2016

How to use maven to create selenium project

In this article, we will understand the basics of maven and how to create maven project for Selenium WebDriver in eclipse.

Problem Statement of this article:

  • Understanding the use of maven for creating a selenium Project.
  • Installing maven plug-in for eclipse
  • Creating a maven Project in eclipse
  • Adding dependencies for Selenium

Understanding the use of maven for creating a selenium Project.

  • Maven provides a uniform build system.
  • A Project Object Model or POM is an XML file in maven that contains project and configuration information used by Maven to build the project.
  • We can add and configure dependencies for selenium, TestNG and other resources in the maven Project using POM.xml file
  • Maven helps to define Project structure for better management of resources.
  • Maven automatically downloads the necessary files added in dependencies for WebDriver and other resources while building the project.

maven plugin download from eclipse

Installing maven plug-in for eclipse

Below are the steps to install maven plug-in for eclipse

  • Open eclipse and click on Help>Eclipse Marketplace
  • Search for Maven integration for Eclipse in eclipse marketplace. Install Maven integration for Eclipse
  • Restart eclipse.
  • Maven plug-in has been added in eclipse.

Creating a maven Project in eclipse:

  Pre-Condition: Maven Plug-in is added in eclipse.Below are the steps to create a maven project in eclipse.

creating maven project in selenium
  • Navigate to File>New>Project.
  • It will ask to select a wizard. Select Maven>Maven Project and click on Next
creating maven project in selenium
  • To start with, select create a simple project in the window and click on Next.
  • Provide the details for the artifact including Group Id, Artifact Id, Version, packaging to start with.
  • Click on Finish.
creating maven project in selenium

Once we click on finish,maven project is created in Java. As mentioned earlier, All the configurations of the Project are saved in a POM.xml file as shown below:

creating maven project in selenium

POM stands for "Project Object Model". It is XML representation of the Maven project. POM.xml file inherits from base superPOM.xml

How to use selenium libraries in the maven Project.

We can use selenium libraries by adding dependencies for selenium in the Project Object model as shown in the code snippet below:

<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
  <name>My first maven</name>


Saturday, February 6, 2016

Assertion and Soft Assertions in Selenium Webdriver using TestNG

We create automated regression test to validate the application is working correctly. We need to add checkpoints/validation at different steps in the workflow to validate the application is correctly behaving or not.

For e.g.: Let us consider login into an e-mail website. We need to go to application URL and assert/validate username and password input box and Login button are displayed correctly. Then next step can be to assert login is successful for a positive test with valid username and password or assert proper error message is displayed for a negative test with invalid username and password.

Testing framework for automation like TestNG and jUnit for Java or nUnit for C# provides feature of assertion to assert/validate the application is working properly and scores 10/10 in the test results.

In this article, we will discuss how to add assertions using TestNG framework for selenium tests.

Problem statements of this article:

  • What is meant by Assertions in TestNG?
  • What are different types of assertion in TestNG?
  • What is the difference between assert and softassertions?
  • Code explaining how to implement assert and softassert in TestNG?

What is meant by Assertions?

With TestNG framework, We can add assertions within tests to validate whether the expected condition is true or false. In most of the assertions, the expected condition is compared with the actual results and test fails in case an assertion fails. The failure is reported in test results.

For example in a selenium test for login functionality, When we provide valid username and password and login into application, we expect the title to be displayed correctly in the page. So in this scenario, we should add an assertion for comparing the expected title of the page with the actual title displayed in the page. In case, the two values does not match, the assertion fails and test execution fails 

What are different types of assertions?

Some of the assertions that can be implemented in TestNG are as follows:
Types of assertion
Assert.AssertEquals(Expected condition, Actual condition)
This compares the expected condition with actual condition and fails the test in case the assertion fails.Different object types can be compared using Assert.AssertEquals
Assert.AssertEquals(Expected condition, Actual condition, Message)
This compares the expected condition with actual condition and fails the test in case the assertion fails displaying the message as defined while calling the assertion.
Assert.assertFalse(Boolean condition)
Asserts that a condition is false
Assert.assertFalse(Boolean condition, String Message )
Asserts that a condition is false. If it isn't, an Assertion Error, with the given message, is thrown.
Assert.assertTrue(Boolean condition, String Message )
Asserts that a condition is true. Assertion fails if condition is not true and string message is displayed.
Validates if a assertion is null.
Assert.Fail(String strMessage)
Fails an assertion without validating any conditions. This is very useful for outcome of conditional statements. e.g: if title is incorrect, fail the test.

Sample Code to explain how to create assertion in TestNG

package testNG;  
 import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;  
 import org.testng.Assert;  
 import org.testng.annotations.BeforeTest;  
 import org.testng.annotations.Test;  
 public class assertionVal {  
      WebDriver driver;  
      public void setup()   
           File file = new File("D:\\selenium\\IEDriverServer.exe");  
           System.setProperty("", file.getAbsolutePath());       
           driver = new InternetExplorerDriver();  
      public void assertVal()   
           Assert.assertEquals("Learning Automation Concepts in QTP", driver.getTitle());  
           //Assert to compare two values and reporting a message in case validation fails  
           Assert.assertEquals("aaa", "aaa", "this is the first test and value does not match");  
           //Assert to validate a boolean condition as false   
           Assert.assertFalse(driver.getTitle().contentEquals("Learning Automation Concepts in QTP"));  
           //Assert to validate a boolean condition as true   
           Assert.assertFalse(driver.getTitle().contentEquals("Learning Automation Concepts in QTP"));  
        //Assertion to validate an object is not null.  

What is the difference between assert and soft assertions (Verify statements)?

The issue with assertion is, test execution stops in case an assertion fails. So if we do not want to stop a test on failure and continue with test execution, using assert statement will not work, 
In such sccnarios, we will use soft assertions, using  import org.testng.asserts.SoftAssert; class.
In this case, verification step will fail but test execution will continue. 

Sample Code to explain how to implement soft assertion in TestNG

 package testNG;  
 import org.testng.Assert;  
 import org.testng.annotations.Test;  
 //soft assertion will use the below softAssert class  
 import org.testng.asserts.SoftAssert;  
 public class assertionVal {  
      // Create an soft assertion object softas   
      SoftAssert softas = new SoftAssert();  
      public void assertVal()   
           //Create an assertion similar to hard assertion as shown below   
           softas.assertEquals("aaaa", "bb");  
           softas.assertEquals("aa","aaccc","asserts exists");  
           // this is an example of hard assertion, test will stop execution   
           //at this step in case error is encountered.  
           Assert.assertEquals("aa", "aa");  
           //This step is very important as without this step,  
           //no soft assertion failure will be reported in test result.  