Saturday, May 6, 2017

Reload configuration from disk - Jenkins

In case of migration of existing jobs from one Jenkins setup to another setup or removing old build information from the disk, we can use the option to reload configuration from disk in Jenkins. Below are the steps to be be followed to reload configuration from disk:

  • When we set up jenkins in a machine, there is a folder with name .jenkins in location c:/users/<UserName> folder.

  • When we open the .jenkins>jobs folder, we see the folders for the jenkins jobs we have created in jenkins. 

  • We can copy folders from another jenkins instance and paste in this folder. Similarly we can make changes in the logs information or builds information.

  • Once we have made the required changes in the jenkins set up. Open Jenkins using localhost:8080 (assuming you are on the jenkins server itself and 8080 is the port used for jenkins and is installed as a window service on the server. Else if accessing from a remote client machine, use the address <machine name>:<port number>

  • The jenkins home Page will open as shown below.
  • Click on Manage Jenkins and in the Manage Jenkins Page, click on Reload configuration from disk as shown below. This will reload the changes made in jenkins set up.

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Switching between multiple frames in selenium

There can be multiple iframes in a webPage. To perform action on webelements in a frame, we need to first identify the frame and then perform action on the element.
We can switch to a particular frame based on the below identifiers:

By Index: The index depends on the order of frame in the Page. A numeric value is assigned to the frame based on the order in which it appears in the page.


By Name: We can switch to a frame based on the name of the frame.


By Id: We can switch to a frame based on the id defined for the frame


Switch to a frame by locator for WebElement. In the below example frameElement is the locator for the frame




Frame inside frames: There can be scenario in which there are frame inside of the parent frame.Please note in case of frame inside frame, we need to first switch to the outer frame, and then switch to the inner frame to perform action on the webelement.

To acess the main webPage and come out of the frame, below code is used


Friday, April 21, 2017

How to get text of an alert message in Selenium Webdriver: Mini-blogs

An alert message appears at times to notify the users of the alert as shown below. Using selenium webdriver, we can capture the text in the alert message using selenium web driver.

Using below two lines of code, we can get the alert message.

Alert alert = driver.switchTo().alert();