Showing posts with label BDD. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BDD. Show all posts

Sunday, July 21, 2024

BDD with cucumber and gherkins using MindMap

 Business-Driven Development is a collaborative approach that focuses on aligning software development with business goals through the creation of executable specifications

Business driven development

Translating Business-Driven Development to executable specification in gherkins

Keywords and code blocks in Gherkins specification

  • Feature is to provide a high-level description of a software feature.
  • Rule is to represent one business rule that should be implemented
  • Scenario or Example is a concrete example that illustrates a business rule
  • Scenario Outline is used to run the same Scenario multiple times, with different set of data.

  • Steps are used to define scenarios. steps can be:
    • Given - describe the precondition of the system
    • When - describes an event, or an action
    • Then - describe an expected outcome, or result
    • But - describe an outcome that is not expected
  • There can be multiple steps of same type in a scenario.
  • Background define a set of steps that are common to all scenarios in a feature file. Execution is after each scenarios
  • Hooks are blocks of code that run before or after certain events. they are defined by annotation "@Before" and "@After" annotations. these are setup() and teardown() code in the application.

Understanding components of a cucumber framework

Components of a cucumber framework

Feature File:

  • File corresponding to a feature/rule
  • Can have multiple scenarios/examples, scenario outline and background.
  • Annotations can be used to group tests, e.g: smoke, nightly, regression

Step definition File

  • For given, when then, but steps defined in feature file, the logical code is written in a step definition file.
  • Annotation @Given, @then are used to match the step definition method with the one provided in feature file

TestRunner File to execute tests

  • TestRunner file defines the tests to be executed,

Components of a Test Runner File:

  • Annotations: uses annotations from testing frameworks like JUnit or TestNG to define its purpose and behavior.
  • Glue: specifies the package where Cucumber can find the step definitions
  • Features: feature files which needs to be executed
  • Plugins: defines the reporting path, tags and formatting.

References :

Understanding and Implementing Rest Assured using workflows and MindMap

Understanding Rest API

A REST API (Representational State Transfer Application Programming Interface) is a set of rules and conventions for building and interacting with web services.

Below diagram show the principles/workflow and response status code for Rest API.

Key Components of Rest API

1. Endpoint: This is the URL where the API can be accessed. Each endpoint corresponds to a specific resource or collection of resources.

2. HTTP Methods: These define the action to be performed on the resource. These are also known as CRUD (create, request, update and delete) operations

- GET: Retrieve data from the server.

- POST: Send data to the server to create a new resource.

- PUT: Update an existing resource with new data.

- DELETE: Remove a resource from the server.

3. Headers: These provide additional information with the request or response. Common headers include Content-Type (indicating the media type of the resource) and Authorization (containing credentials to authenticate a user).

4. Parameters: These are used to modify the request. They can be included in the URL (query parameters) or in the request body.

5. Request Body: This contains the data sent to the server when making POST or PUT requests. It's typically formatted in JSON or XML.

6. Response Codes: status of the request.

Common Crude actions/verb and response status code mapping

Understanding Rest Assured

REST Assured is an open-source Java-based library designed for testing and validating RESTful web services. It integrates well with testing frameworks like TestNG and JUnit. Below are key things, we will discuss in the article to keep it short and refresher only.

Basic Workflow for getting response from Rest requests for different verbs

Basic Workflow for getting response from Rest requests for different verbs

Code Understanding for basic operations 

How to Fit Rest-Assured tests in Framework

MindMap for basic framework with rest assured

Please comment, in case any observations/queries in understanding the process and documentation

Reference for learning :

Rest API -

JSON cheat-sheet -

JSONpath cheat-sheet -

Understanding hamcrest :

That's all for this article.Please comment, in case any observations/queries in understanding the proce
ss and documentation